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Franz Vickerson, RIS


investment fund advisor, investia financial services inc.

About me

I am a dedicated and experienced advisor based in Vernon, BC. With a focus on helping clients achieve their financial goals, I have built a reputation for providing personalized and comprehensive financial advice.

Education and Expertise

I am a Responsible Investment Specialist (RIS), emphasizing the importance of understanding the nuances of environmental investments. As the global economy shifts its focus towards Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) and Socially Responsible Investing (SRI), I am committed to educating clients on these vital aspects to help them make informed decisions.

I am also committed to constant personal improvement and advanced education.  At all times I am working on my next designation.

My Approach

Living for now and planning for your future can be a daunting task. I believe in creating a strong team of trusted professionals to provide the best advice and education possible for making important life decisions. This team includes:

  • - Accountant - for Tax Efficiency
  • - Lawyer - for Personal Will and Business Succession Planning
  • - Investment Funds Advisor - for Protecting your Family and Growing your Assets

Comprehensive Financial Checkups

Have you ever gone to a doctor for a physical? You might have gone to ensure everything is in order, hoping to address any issues before they become serious. Similarly, when was the last time you had a financial checkup? I encourage everyone to come in for a free financial checkup. This comprehensive review includes examining your tax return, estate plan, retirement plan, and investments to ensure everything is in order.

 Why Choose Franz Vickerson?

My philosophy is simple: “I help people pay less tax and make more money.” I am committed to offering an hour of my time for a free financial checkup if you're willing to invest an hour of yours. This commitment to personalized service and holistic financial planning makes me a reliable choice for your future financial needs.

Contact Franz Today

Ready to take control of your financial future? Contact Franz Vickerson, for your free financial checkup and start making informed decisions for a secure and prosperous future.

Phone: 250-542-5500 ext. 6                                       Email: franz@summitfinancial.bc.ca